
在印度喜马偕尔邦, Statkraft is well under way with the construction of the Tidong hydropower plant, 哪里需要特别关注周围的自然环境. 尤其是, it is about protecting endangered pine trees with sought-after pine nuts that provide important income for the local population.


The Chilgoza pine tree grows at altitudes between 1,800 and 3,350 metres above sea level.

松子 harvested from the Chilgoza trees are essential to the livelihoods of the local people along the border with Tibet.

These large trees are so important to the local communities that they are allowed to grow in the middle of the road to the district capital, Reckong Peo, 尽管它们对交通安全造成了危害!

图片来源:papal Høberg

(所有无人机视频:Ajender Rathore)

A single, 20-year-old Chilgoza tree can produce four to five kilograms of pine nuts annually. 每公斤售价略高于17欧元. The price more than doubles once the sought-after pine nuts are offered at the marketplaces in Delhi and reach international export markets.

Pinjekjerner på markedet

The Chilgoza trees have significant value for the residents of this Himalayan region.

The harvesting of the pine nuts provides jobs for those who specialize in climbing the tall trees and loosening the cones, or for those who have the job of picking the seeds out of the prickly, 粘锥.

图片来源:papal Høberg

(所有无人机视频:Ajender Rathore)

Chilgoza树木对Statkraft也有特殊的价值. 在开发发电厂时, it is important to protect biological diversity and avoid or minimize harmful impacts on nature and local communities.

It is in this mountainous region that Statkraft is building the Tidong Hydro Electric Project.

当工厂建成时, it will have an installed capacity of 150 MW and an estimated annual production of 694 GWH, 足以提供3个动力.每年300万户家庭.

这个电力设施的发展需要8.5公里的部分钢衬砌隧道, 一个610米的竖井, 以及三台50兆瓦的佩尔顿涡轮机,每台发电50兆瓦. In addition, approximately 17 kilometres of 220kV transmission line must be constructed.

This immense undertaking began after Statkraft acquired the project in 2018. 该项目计划于2022年完工.

除了缇东, Statkraft在印度的业务 include the two hydropower plants Allain Duhangan and Malana, both of which are in operation. 这三个设施都位于喜马偕尔邦. In addition, Statkraft is building a solar power plant, Nellai, in the state of Tamil Nadu.  

Building a major power plant in this area means that some of the valuable Chilgoza trees must be pruned or cut down.

Chilgoza被列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录. They only grow in this region and in a few places in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.

The transmission line corridor will cut through areas where the rare trees grow.

Statkraft has a continuous focus on minimising the environmental consequences and mitigating the harmful effects on the Chilgoza trees as much as possible.

图片来源:papal Høberg

(所有无人机视频:Ajender Rathore)

在Tidong电厂以西的地区, the establishment of access roads to tunnel and shaft construction sites has definitely impacted the surrounding terrain.

But reforestation efforts have started in the area next to the power plant, 每损失一棵树,将种植两棵Chilgoza树.

Statkraft is acutely aware of the impact that building a power facility can have on the local environment and surrounding communities.

十大靠谱网赌有兴趣了解十大靠谱网赌的设施如何, transmission towers and power lines will affect biodiversity in the area, as well as the consequences it will have for the livelihood of the local people,pavel Høberg解释道, 国家环境和社会经理.

对于十大最好的网赌平台, taking account of the project’s local impact involves careful planning and implementation. 每砍掉一棵树,就会种上两棵新树! And all activities are carried out in close cooperation with the local forestry authorities and communities to ensure the sustainable management of the key resource represented by the Chilgoza trees.

十大靠谱网赌正在设定明确的目标, following up the reforestation programme and partnering with a skilled forest manager. We are establishing a long-term maintenance and monitoring programme to ensure that the survival rate targets for the trees are met, 目的是二十年后, the trees will produce enough pine nuts to benefit all households affected by the project,Høberg说.

图片来源:papal Høberg

(所有无人机视频:Ajender Rathore)

The tree planting programme is financed through Statkraft’s Tidong 可持续性 Fund, 建设的先决条件是什么, 拥有, 并运营Tidong电厂. Local government will monitor and enforce the conservation initiatives.

但是尽管做出了这些努力, some families will still experience a loss of livelihood due to the removal of trees and the time it will take for the new trees to grow.

This is why Statkraft will compensate the local communities with the equivalent of a 40 year loss of production.


To implement hydroelectric projects in 印度 it is critical to inform, 让当地利益攸关方和受影响社区参与并与之协商.

“We must be open and honest about everything involving biodiversity and livelihoods, 以及十大靠谱网赌的影响. Statkraft would not be able to implement a project such as this without local consent, 与社区成员进行开放的对话和建立积极的关系,Høberg说.

“在十大最好的网赌平台, we recognise that it is fundamental for sustainable development to protect and conserve biodiversity, maintain livelihoods at the same standard or better for those affected by our projects and responsibly manage living natural resources. 这适用于十大靠谱网赌运营的任何地方。.

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Statkraft believes that its green, renewable energy projects can benefit local communities. And the company is committed to monitor and minimise negative impacts throughout the entire project life cycle.

为Statkraft的国际电力团队, 可持续的行为意味着资源效率, 尊重环境,做个好邻居,Høberg补充道.



Learn more about sustainability and social responsibility in Statkraft

Statkraft's ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable future by bringing renewable energy to industries, 企业, 世界各地的社区和家庭. 为此,十大靠谱网赌只投资可再生能源, 以及通过可持续和负责任的行为.

